AD 134 | Mia Bergeron
“Planting Seeds of Unconditional Love”
“Planting Seeds of Unconditional Love”

Show Notes:
- Expanding the definitions of unconditional love.
- Being grateful and observant of personal obstacles as the first step of engagement / change.
- Her experience with an absence of internal monologue and a heightened sense of physical awareness.
- Approaching religion as mythology and stories of self.
- How humans use religion and mythology to rationalize evil and condone immoral action.
- Her personal way separating from academic and institutional modes of creation while trying to find her personal creative voice.
- Engaging with art (and people) in person instead of through Instagram and other readily accessible forms of e-media.
- The craving that human beings have for real connection vs. the illusion of the connection through social media. Disregarding the need for a very natural “tribe mentality.”
- Her personal triggers for anxiety and her methods of reestablishing her mind-body connection when anxiety hits.
- Breaking down overwhelming tasks both in and outside artistic practice.