AD 168 | Jerome Lagarrigue
“Being Guided By The Process”
“Being Guided By The Process”

Finding love within depicting movement inside of his work, Jerome continues to create powerful work that calls into question particular aspects of the world we live in and frames the subtle and reflective essence of human beings.

Show Notes:
- Jerome being exposed to two different cultures, and how it offered both confusing and later, harmonious element to his life as a whole
- The topic of race – its objectivity, functionality, horrific nature, and the struggles that have come with being associated with a specific race
- Jerome’s upbringing - living both in France and Harlem, and how he was always drawing as a child
- The effects of social injustices on racial identity
- The layered nature of the social justice protests and riots
- Capitalism shaping the way we live our lives
- The genesis of creativity
- Decisions of engaging in a subject matter
- Searching continually within art
- The power in saying no
- Creative instinct
- The wave and the weight of the reaction to coronavirus
- Captivation within the movement and process of painting
- Stanly Kubrick’s process and its relation to creativity
- The growth from the mentality of seeing the world as either one or another absolute into viewing the world as being “gray”
- An Individual’s desire to be comfortable rather than be challenged
- Jerome’s decision to paint riots
- The connection of energy, nature, and humanism within paining
- Feeling, rather than reacting
Jerome’s Instagram
Posted 07.02.2020