AD 173 | Sophia Rokhlin
“Sowing Seeds For The Future While Living In The Present”
“Sowing Seeds For The Future While Living In The Present”

She is a Program Coordinator at the Chaikuni Institute, supporting sustainable ayahuasca cultivation and reforestation in the Peruvian Amazon. She is a co-author of When Plants Dream: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Shamanism and the Global Psychedelic Renaissance (Watkins, 2019) on the global spread of ayahuasca. She helps coordinate Folk Medicine, a live-stream benefit for communities of the Amazon rainforest impacted by COVID-19. She sits in the Ayahuasca Community Committee for the Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines. Her research appears in publications including the New York Times and the BBC.
Show Notes:
- The beginning stages of Sophia’s work with indigenous people groups
- How human communities understand and grow in community with each other
- The differences between the “American path” vs the path that indigenous people groups take
- The association of wavelengths and the togetherness of individuals
- How western culture has lost a sense of togetherness
- The concept of reciprocity
- “Sowing seeds for the future, while living in the present”
- Capitalism and the approach to success
- Coronavirus and it’s affect to our larger structures
- Working together in teams
- Happiness
- Technology and social innovations
- How indigenous people groups approach health and wellness
- America viewing health in an allopathic way
- Environmentalism
- The romanticization of interconnectedness
- The traditional and modern uses of Ayahuasca
- Meditation, present-mindedness, and prayer
- The loss of ritual within modern society
- Being honest with yourself
- Living in a world full of tools, but having the lack of community to utilize them
- Human wisdom
- The mindset of jumping from interest to interest, rather than going deeper into a context
- Art being an expression of exploration
Sophia’s Instagram
Sophia’s Website
Posted 08.17.2021