AD 63 | Adam Lee
“Being Guided By The Process + Lament Asunder”
“Being Guided By The Process + Lament Asunder”

Adam Lee is an Australian artist working from his country studio at the foothills of the Macedon Ranges just outside of Melbourne, Australia. His practice focuses on a re-interpretation of painting and drawing traditions and references a wide range of sources, incorporating biblical narratives, natural history, historical and colonial documentary photography, contemporary music and film, and varying literary sources. Employing new evaluations of landscape painting and old world portraiture Lee investigates humanity’s interface with the environment of the natural world and its relationship to ideas of a timeless zone of the divine.
Show Notes:
- Accepting the unexpected
- Allowing the process of creating artwork guide you
- Embracing inspiration
- Describes his newest body of work, "Lament Asunder"
- Anselm Kiefer
- Chris Ofili
- Creative problem solving within paintings
- Understanding writers block
- The business side of the gallery system
- Ben Abraham
Posted 01.23.2017